Sunday, August 22, 2010


So Christmas is coming! Okay, I know. For most of you shopping won't begin until after Thanksgiving so the idea of turning on some Christmas music and jamming out while coming up with creative ideas for your family is not on your list of things to do today. I, on the other hand, am faced with a very serious dilemma.

It all started back in elementary school. I am not entirely sure how old I was, probably about 9, but I started a tradition where I would make every member of my family a Christmas present. Some years I have bought presents as well (especially for the kids), while other years I relied entirely on handmade gifts.

Last year was a struggle. Now that I have two families to make gifts for I have a total of 20 people to make gifts for. That doesn't include extended family members. Just the siblings, nieces and nephews, grandparents, and great-grandparents (the ones that are really close to us). It took a LOOONG time, a lot of effort, and quite a bit of money to make all those presents last year. This year I have to factor in my own child in the mix.

So what do I do? Do I give up on my tradition of making Christmas presents for everyone, even though it is part of the reason that I love Christmas? Do I just select some people to make presents for? Do I try to come up with presents that are less complicated? And if I come up with things that are less complicated, than what do I do? How do I craft when I have a little one who demands my attention? How exactly do I handle Christmas with so many people to adorn with love? And how do I get it all from Delaware to Arizona (we are going back the beginning of December but will be traveling with the baby and I will be a good 6 ish months pregnant)?

There's my dilemma.

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