Saturday, April 24, 2010

Crochet My Heart Away

I've been in a bit of a rut the last few days I suppose by sticking to my crocheting, despite the fact that I have a whole list of projects that I want to get done. I suppose it has to do with the fact that crocheting is so easy to do while sitting on the couch with my husband and my dog. It also works well for watching tv/movies.

Today I have been fighting being sick to my stomach. It has not been a good day. So I wanted to do something creative that didn't require a lot of thought or effort on my part. So I pulled out my favorite crochet book (my mom bought it for me a few years ago for Christmas) and decided tonight was the perfect night to try a variety of different stitches that I had been longing to try.

So there aren't any pictures for tonight. Maybe tomorrow I will post some of the little things that I come up with. But since I am mostly trying stitches and then ripping them out there is very little to show. Hopefully I will come up with a stitch that I love.

The book that I am using is by Sasha Kagan and is called "Crochet Inspiration." It has a huge number of different stitches and a few patterns at the back that utilize the stitches in the rest of the book. Great for anyone looking to expand their knowledge of crochet stitches or even just starting out.

Here are two examples of things I was working on:
#1: A flower (same pattern as that used on Idina's leash)

#2: Double Crochet Granny Square

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